This function will return the full dataset (or a subset based on input parameters) of county-level estimates of fertilizer application quantity. The fertilizer application type includes farm and non-farms. The dataset was primarily cleaned into Tidy data. Details are availalble via <>

get_data(data, nutrient = NULL, input_type = NULL, farm_type = NULL,
  years = NULL, counties = NULL, states = NULL, lat_max = NULL,
  lat_min = NULL, long_max = NULL, long_min = NULL, FIPSs = NULL,
  overlap_state_county = TRUE, combine_state_county = FALSE)



the dataset to work with, generally the full usfertilizer or its subsets.


fertilizer type of interest, default: both Nitrogen and Phosphorus.


the source of nutrient, e.g. fertilizer or manure.


where the fertilizer was applied. e.g. farm, nonfarm.


start year to show data, e.g. 1994, 2000:2005.


counties of interest, defalut: all avaible counties.


states of interest, defalt: all avaialble states.


the maximum latitude of area of interest.


the minmum latitude of area of interest.


the maximum longitude of area of interest.


the minimum longitude of area of interest.


FIPS numbers of interest, defalut: all the counties.


Logic. If true, the function will overlaping the input of states and counties. If false, the function will return results either in the states or in the counties.


Logic. If true, the county will be changed into county, state, e.g. Wake, NC; If false, no changes.


A tibble with tidy data.

See also



data = fertilizer get_data(data, counties = "Wake")
#> # A tibble: 14 x 12 #> FIPS State County ALAND AWATER INTPTLAT INTPTLONG Quantity Year Nutrient #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> #> 1 37183 NC Wake 2.16e9 5.72e7 35.8 -78.7 112729 1991 P #> 2 37183 NC Wake 2.16e9 5.72e7 35.8 -78.7 628958. 1984 P #> 3 37183 NC Wake 2.16e9 5.72e7 35.8 -78.7 125006 1987 P #> 4 37183 NC Wake 2.16e9 5.72e7 35.8 -78.7 719104. 1980 P #> 5 37183 NC Wake 2.16e9 5.72e7 35.8 -78.7 1566581 1954 N #> 6 37183 NC Wake 2.16e9 5.72e7 35.8 -78.7 181600 1993 P #> 7 37183 NC Wake 2.16e9 5.72e7 35.8 -78.7 501911 2007 P #> 8 37183 NC Wake 2.16e9 5.72e7 35.8 -78.7 749411. 1965 P #> 9 37183 NC Wake 2.16e9 5.72e7 35.8 -78.7 321029 2008 P #> 10 37183 NC Wake 2.16e9 5.72e7 35.8 -78.7 1973119 2000 N #> 11 37183 NC Wake 2.16e9 5.72e7 35.8 -78.7 2446130 1988 N #> 12 37183 NC Wake 2.16e9 5.72e7 35.8 -78.7 2315614 1983 N #> 13 37183 NC Wake 2.16e9 5.72e7 35.8 -78.7 2233184 1968 N #> 14 37183 NC Wake 2.16e9 5.72e7 35.8 -78.7 2594662 1978 N #> # ... with 2 more variables: Farm.Type <chr>, Input.Type <chr>
get_data(data, years = 1990)
#> # A tibble: 587 x 12 #> FIPS State County ALAND AWATER INTPTLAT INTPTLONG Quantity Year Nutrient #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> #> 1 17177 IL Stephe… 1.46e9 1.39e6 42.3 -89.7 9022 1990 P #> 2 51685 VA Manass… 6.56e6 2.62e3 38.8 -77.4 4625 1990 N #> 3 46021 SD Campbe… 1.90e9 9.62e7 45.8 -100. 1509 1990 N #> 4 13183 GA Long 1.04e9 9.12e6 31.7 -81.7 184 1990 N #> 5 48189 TX Hale 2.60e9 2.47e5 34.1 -102. 16234 1990 N #> 6 28111 MS Perry 1.68e9 7.64e6 31.2 -89.0 7376 1990 N #> 7 13305 GA Wayne 1.66e9 1.82e7 31.5 -81.9 847 1990 N #> 8 48429 TX Stephe… 2.32e9 6.41e7 32.7 -98.8 320271 1990 N #> 9 48099 TX Coryell 2.72e9 1.21e7 31.4 -97.8 340360 1990 P #> 10 18043 IN Floyd 3.83e8 2.65e6 38.3 -85.9 16489 1990 P #> # ... with 577 more rows, and 2 more variables: Farm.Type <chr>, #> # Input.Type <chr>
get_data(data, nutrient = "N", years = 2003, states = "NC", FIPSs = 37145)
#> Warning: None data selected, refine your filters!
#> # A tibble: 0 x 12 #> # ... with 12 variables: FIPS <chr>, State <chr>, County <chr>, ALAND <dbl>, #> # AWATER <dbl>, INTPTLAT <dbl>, INTPTLONG <dbl>, Quantity <dbl>, Year <chr>, #> # Nutrient <chr>, Farm.Type <chr>, Input.Type <chr>