Hellow world!

Since Jan. 2018, my brand new website is published online. The website is powered by Blogdown and Hugo-academic, and deployed by Github Pages. All the codes are open to public and available at my github repository.

I build this website to achieve two goals: helping others know more about my professional achievements, and presenting my most latest output (with details) to persons of interest. Therefore, I will list my publications, including journal articles, conference presentations and proceedings, and book chapters (if any) here. In addition, the post section will briefly introduce my new ideas, experiences or findings. I will also upload some interesting pictures to draw more attentions.

As I benefit a lot from open-source software and materials, except where otherwise noted, all the materials, such as blogs, picture, codes, etc., are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Please feel free to share or adapt anything you get, as long as your follow the terms indicated in the license introduction.

Thank you for your attentions. Cheers!

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