
An R package to summarize the estimated county level data from USGS of USA and provided a clean version using Tidyverse.

Host R markdown and shiny apps in Digital Ocean

Some R markdown files and shiny apps were hosted remotely powered by Digital Ocean.


Retrieve, Summarize and Visualize the Fertilizer Data in USA.

Generate animated tracking maps for hurricanes and typhoons

As of now, Sep. 11th, 2018, Hurricane Florence (Category 4) is approaching to eastern coastal areas of United States. There are many ways to track the path of hurricanes (or typhoons) to conduct further analysis, such as flash flooding, ocean surge and property damages. In this blog, the author tries to plot the tracking of hurricanes, using both stastic and animated maps, with the help of R and related packages. Specifically, this blog is a reproducible output.

Generate a reproducible map for county-level fertilizer estimation data in U.S.A. using R

Introduction and motivation Nutrient input to agricultural watersheds is a very popular topic among researchers, engineers and stakeholders. Researchers in United State Geographic Services (USGS) spent a considerable amount of time and efforts to generate fertilizr estimation dataset from synthetic fertilizer and manure. Based on the dataset published by USGS, the author developed an R package, ggfertilizer, to retrieve, summarize and visualize fertilizer data in contiguous U.S.A. In this post, the author is going to briefly introduce the basics of ggfertilizer and provide a smooth and clear workflow to generate a reproducible fertilizer usage map.

Hellow world!

Since Jan. 2018, my brand new website is published online. The website is powered by Blogdown and Hugo-academic, and deployed by Github Pages. All the codes are open to public and available at my github repository. I build this website to achieve two goals: helping others know more about my professional achievements, and presenting my most latest output (with details) to persons of interest. Therefore, I will list my publications, including journal articles, conference presentations and proceedings, and book chapters (if any) here.